How Engraved Brick Fundraising could Work for You
There are many approaches to fundraising, from high end dinners that sell tickets for hundreds or even thousands of dollars per plate, to those that make a simple call action asking everyone to give what they can afford. While both of these methods are perfectly good ways to raise money for your organization, donors are often inundated with such requests, which has the potential to lead to donor fatigue. Fundraising bricks are a great alternative, as they are unique and give the donor a way to be a part of something lasting – beyond just their monetary donation. Bricks and tiles can be engraved with the donors name or the name of a loved one and become part of your organization’s history. Numerous organizations have benefited from selling bricks as part of a fundraising campaign, including, but not limited to:
Churches and other religious organizations
Educational facilities
Sports teams
Social Clubs
Our engraved bricks can be used to craft a walkway that commemorates donors, build a wall that recognizes people who have contributed to the organization through their work or create a memorial to those who have lost their lives through tragedy. Whatever your organization or purpose, if you are interested in brick fundraising you have come to the right place. The team at Fundraising Brick knows what works and we will make it work for you.
The reason that fundraising with engraved bricks has such potential for tremendous campaign success is that every person who makes a donation has the opportunity to recognize, or be recognized — not just a select few who donate at the highest levels. A brick etched with a name and special message to show your appreciation for their donation is sure to make a huge impact with your current donors and is proven to attract new donors.
The Fundraising Brick team will help you with your project, from start to finish. Whether it’s creating a special fundraising brick flyer, brochure or pamphlet to attract donors to your cause or designing a beautiful walkway that will be constructed from the engraved bricks, Fundraising Brick has the knowledge and expertise to make your project a great success. No matter what your organization is or what you want the end result to be, we will work with you to ensure each individual knows how sincerely you appreciate their contribution. To learn more about our services, call 1-800-634-8948.