Library Fundraiser Ideas

Are you looking for a new and exciting way to spice up your local library’s fundraising efforts? Well, you’re in luck because today we’ve got 6 unique fundraising ideas sure to stir up some charity in your community.

1. After-School Reading Clubs

Bring the students in for some recreational reading after school hours. There’s a ton of variation on what you can do with your reading club: Pick out fun selections for different grades and organize discussions with groups, read stories to younger students and you can even just have free reading time for advanced students. Have fun with it!

A small membership fee provides a safe environment for students of parents that work later and sparks an early love for reading.

2. Community Book Clubs

Take the book club idea to a whole new level, by holding several of your own. A small membership fee groups adult readers with book selections and new people to meet and discuss literature with. Host these groups once or twice a week, provide refreshments and bring a community of readers together at your local library.

3. Read-A-Thons

A fun spin on the very popular mar-a-thon model! Instead of having donors move their feet have them flipping pages. This fun spin on the mar-a-thon can be done by collecting pledges per books, chapters or pages read.

Another option, team up with local restaurants and organizations to provide special offers on products and services. Some examples include sales on pizza, carnival/circus tickets, or inclusion on a big, end-of-event celebration.

4. Book Readings/Signings

Invite local or regional authors! It’s an exceptional way to help upcoming writers get their names out there and a great way to promote established author’s upcoming books. Collect entry fees and percentages on products and autographs to help fund your library’s causes.

5. Themed Book Baskets

Get creative! Dress up some well-aged, donated library books with themed candies and prizes, package them all together in a fun way and sell them to family and friends of the library. They make great gifts for holidays, special occasions and just because you feel like giving. Plus, these gift baskets can be made for next to nothing.

6. Commemorative Brick Fundraising

Show appreciation for your patrons by building them right into your library. With a commemorative brick campaign each donation is a brick towards the construction of a new walkway, wall or donor memorial that stands for generations as a reminder of the generosity of your community. It’s a truly distinct way to raise money and bring the community together.

Contact Fundraising Brick by phone at 855-BRICKS4U (855-958-0516) or click here to learn how your local library can benefit from a commemorative brick campaign or to start your own campaign today.

For more brick campaign inspiration, simply click here.

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