W.O.C.S. Outdoor Classroom
Dakota Brewer’s Eagle Scout Project Buy A Brick Campaign
Hosted by Fundraising Brick
Engraved Brick Order Deadline: Novermber 2, 2015
Dakota Brewer is a Life Scout in BSA Troop 361 and a junior at Corn Bible Academy. With the permission of the Western Oklahoma Christian School Board, Dakota has selected the Clinton Campus of W.O.C.S. to be the recipient of his Eagle Scout Project. The project consists of building a covered pavilion with a concrete pad to be used as an outdoor classroom. The project will also include seating and a brick memorial. Dakota hopes the new area will allow the teachers and students to enjoy the great outdoors and learn about all the wonderful creations of God.
All bricks purchased will be used in the project, and all funds raised will be used to build the outdoor classroom. Any funds raised, in excess of the required amount, will be retained by the school to use as they see fit.
All brick engraving submissions will be approved by the school.
Brick Order Deadline Novermber 2, 2015.
Please contact Dakota Brewer at 580-309-0417 or email Laci_Brewer@yahoo.com about any questions regarding the Brick fundraiser or the project.
Eagle Scout Project Information:
After the Life Scout rank a Boy Scout seeks to earn the Eagle Scout rank. The Eagle Scout rank is the highest rank a Boy Scout can earn. In order to achieve this rank, a Life Scout must plan, develop, and give leadership in a service project that benefits a religious institution, school, or the community. Eagle Scout projects come in many shapes and sizes; but, ultimately they are a defining moment in a Boy Scout’s career. They should challenge a Boy Scout to become a better version of himself.
Laser engraved bricks are the perfect opportunity to make a permanent impression that will last forever. Celebrate family milestones, honor or memorialize loved ones, honor a veteran or fellow boy scout. Recognize that special person in your life. Honor a casual effort; commemorate a special occasion-the possibilities endless with our brick laser engraving technology. Donate today and don’t miss out on being a part of the Dakota Brewer Eagle Scout Project engraved donor brick campaign.