Wentzville Masonic Lodge Flag Pole Brick Yard Campaign
Hosted by Fundraising Brick
Your brick will permanently be displayed at the flag pole of the Wentzville Masonic Temple, and on the Lodge website.
What a way to leave a lasting impression.
Please direct questions regarding our brick fundraiser to Joe Stewart at joe.stewart13@gmail.com.
The act of donating to a fundraiser of any kind is tremendously rewarding both for you and the cause involved. However by donating to the Wentzville Masonic Temple engraved brick campaign, we elevate your contribution to a higher level by creating a visible record of your generosity in the form of the honor garden.
Using our state-of-the-art laser engraving process each brick donated stands for a lifetime as a constant reminder to you, your family and the community of the generosity that you displayed as part of this worthy cause.
As always, the success of this campaign is in your hands. Donate today and make a lasting difference for the Wentzville Masonic Temple brick campaign. Thank you.
Engraved brick campaigns are an excellent way to celebrate life and fund important causes. If you’re interested in a Fundraising Brick campaign, click here to explore the possibilities.