Special Olympics Texas
Christi Stanley Building Engraved Brick Campaign
Hosted by Fundraising Brick
Special Olympics Athlete Billy Ray’s Challenge
Billy Ray Glass is a Special Olympics athlete who along with the rest of us in Special Olympics invite you to join us in our effort to bring our Capital Campaign to a successful conclusion. We’ve reached 71% of our $7.1 million goal and Billy Ray’s Challenge encourages you to be a part of this historical campaign to pay for the new Special Olympics Texas headquarters, the Christi Stanley Building, in Austin, TX.
You can participate in Billy Ray’s Challenge by purchasing a brick which will be laser engraved and placed in the Walk of Champions outside of the Christi Stanley Building. Honor a friend, a family member, a Special Olympics athlete or memorialize someone special by participating in Billy Ray’s Challenge. Your $250 tax-deductible contribution, enables you to purchase and personalize a brick which will be installed in the Walk of Champions at the entrance of our headquarters. You can personalize your brick with up to 3 lines of laser engraved text with 20 characters per line, (characters include spaces and punctuation marks.) Thank you for supporting our dream for a new home and for paving the way for a future of opportunities for our athletes. We appreciate you!
Please direct questions to Rick Brown, VP of Resource Development, rbrown@sotx.org; 512-491-2938.
our purchase of a brick to support Billy Ray’s Challenge is important because the new Christi Stanley, Special Olympics Headquarters, will enable Special Olympics Texas to put less funds into building overhead (increasing lease expenses) and more funds into our year-round, world-class programming. A building that we own outright will enable us to advance our mission in a more cost-effective way and we invite you to be a part of these efforts. When you donate to Billy Ray’s Challenge, you’ll permanently commemorate your support of our mission to positively change lives. Support Billy Ray’s Challenge; buy a brick for the Walk of Champions today and know that your support does make a difference.