Texas Asian Culture Museum Brick Campaign
Hosted by Fundraising Brick
Engraved Brick Order Deadline: Ongoing
For additional information regarding our engraved brick campaign please contact
Richard Hafemeister at info@texasasianculturesmuseum.org or call 361-585-9071.
Our Museum was founded by Billie Chandler in 1974 after 20 years traveling Asia and teaching in Japan.
It was her dream- and the work of the back half of her life- to start a museum to act as a cultural center and source of learning to bridge the people of Texas to the people, arts and history of Asia.
Since then, the Museum has operated as a non profit 501(c)
We have displays from all over Asia, ranging from paintings of historical moments to Chinese Cinnabar panels to a large and varied display of South Asian swords and knives, to a scale model of a Korean Turtle Ship
We have what is believed to be the largest collection of Hakata dolls in the world both in our collection and on display, as a special exhibit staying open through the end of 2021.
On a normal year, the Texas State Museum of Asian Cultures hosts a wide array of events, classes, workshops, and a large number of school tours all ages.
During the Pandemic, the Museum has pivoted to a combination of online learning, and socially distanced classes and events. All onsite activities require more safety measures, and staff time, increasing cost. Online requires additional tools.
Museum is fully dedicated to the safety of all visitors, volunteers and personnel. Open 12-5 Thursday Through Saturday during the pandemic, hours re-expanding after. Masks required. All CDC guidelines in place, all events socially distanced.
All funds will go to refining, sustaining and maintaining the operations of the Museum during the ongoing Covid-19 Pandemic and direct aftermath of such.
Funds will be used for safety and sanitation equipment and supplies, (PPE) General Operations and replacing funds lost due to the Covid-19 Pandemic.