Love Loving Love “Ease On Down
The Brick Road” Fundraiser
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Hosted by Fundraising Brick
Engraved Brick Order Deadline: October 26, 2018
For additional information regarding our engraved brick campaign please contact Rashida Ali-Campbell at or call 610.931.0826.
LoveLovingLove Inc., is a 501(c)3 nonprofit charity that was established in 2007, in response to the rise of violence in and around Philadelphia public high schools. Moved to action, our team of doctors and health coaches created the De Escalation Room; a healing space that strategically uses successful wellness techniques to create loving environments in public places. The room addresses the needs of an individual behaving violently as a result of persistent stress and personal trauma. Traditionally, an individual is punished for their violent attacks and stress triggered outbursts on their peers. The cause of the behavior is often, overlooked or untreated, and the negative behavior is repeated, in most cases, with escalation and more voracity than before. This “escalation” results in violent environments where no one feels safe.
Our team recognizes the needs for a healthy individual to be sevenfold: physical, intellectual, occupational, spiritual, environmental, social, and emotional. Our room addresses all seven of these components using over 50 years of combined team experience, consulting physicians, and loving caregivers, to offer an integrative and holistic healing experience that benefits the entire building. Our ultimate goal is restoring health and purpose to all who visit the room. Our extended services offer one on one health coaching for parents struggling with their violent children, group health coaching for employees working in high stress environments, and consulting to juvenile residential facilities.
Our 9 years of experience recreating the DeEscalation Room has shown us that in order to have the greatest impact and longest lasting results with juveniles, our team requires a full- service year or (181 schools days). We have had success with all of our rooms, measured in: decline in violent behavior in class, antisocial behavior, hitting adults, cursing, group disruptions, running away, and risky sexual behavior. We saw an incline in: consumption of healthy foods provided over non-healthy alternatives, group participation, completion of assignments, manners and remorse. We have served many ages groups for various lengths of time in many places including police stations, schools, shelters, and juvenile facilities; with the juveniles, trust building is delicate and takes more time; we have found a full school year to be the “sweet spot”.
Our team is uniquely positioned to serve our current target market of juveniles as we are comprised of: residential advisors, social workers, correction officers, police officers, health coaches, civil rights activists, drug and alcohol counselors, juvenile detention facility mentors who consult regularly with our dieticians, nutritionists, school nurses, and doctors.
Our fundraising goal is $100,200. We currently rely heavily on in-kind donations and individual donors to provide this room, in limited time increments, free of charge to facilities in need. Your donation would help us positively impact the health of hundreds of students who visit our room, on a regular basis. Order a brick to help us build our Earthship housed De-Escalation Room. Order your brick today and come celebrate with us on October 27, 2018 at Studio 34 Yoga Healing Arts 4522 Baltimore Avenue. (215) 387-3434 and see a 3d rendering of the project and where your brick will be placed.