Lincolnton Campus School Engraved Brick Fundraiser2018-03-26T16:56:42-05:00

Lincolnton Campus  School Engraved Brick Fundraiser

Hosted by Fundraising Brick

Engraved Brick Order: First drive is going to be April 4th – June 3rd.  We will do another drive in the fall when school starts back up.

Lincoln Charter School is leaving a mark on your child’s life; now it’s your turn to leave a mark at Lincoln Charter School.  Buy a paver to commemorate your tie here at LCS! Ideas for pavers: Engrave a paver with your student(s) or family name; Honor your rising senior! Go Class of 2017!; Buy a paver as a group for a future graduating class at LCS; honor our fallen heroes; honor those who serve our community; Purchase a paper for a teacher to say “Thank You”; purchase a paver to advertise your local business; purchase a paver to honor one of the many clubs or sports here at LCS.  The funds raised will go towards the ongoing PTO support of our school to help meet the needs of our growing school.

For more information regarding our engraved brick campaign, please contact Kimberly Surace at

Purchase a brick through the Lincoln Charter School brick fundraiser with a customized permanent laser engraved mark to convey your love, concern, appreciation or support for people, causes, or organizations dear to you:

There are endless reasons and possibilities for what you can place on the permanent engraved brick. Donating to Lincoln Charter School brick fundraising campaign means that you have a place that you can go to and physically see the difference you have made for the rest of your life.

By ordering a commemorative, laser engraved brick, you’re helping LCS and improving your community. To put it simply, you’re making a difference, which is an unbeatable feeling. Make a difference, donate to our brick campaign today!

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