Mossy Creek Foundation – Legacy Plaza at Mossy Creek Station
Hosted by Fundraising Brick
Engraved Brick Campaign
THERE WAS A TIME when downtown Jefferson City was a busy gathering place for business, entertainment, and social connection. Life stories, family histories, and culture were written there.
TODAY community members are encouraged to celebrate those stories—and create new ones—as life begins returning to old Mossy Creek. Mossy Creek Foundation and the City of Jefferson City invite you to help create a legacy to be enjoyed today and passed on to future generations.
LEGACY PLAZA AT MOSSY CREEK STATION features classic red bricks inscribed with names of Jefferson County residents past and present as well as names and logos of businesses that shape the everyday experiences of our community.
It’s not too late to add your bricks!
Please note: As a cost-saving measure, Mossy Creek Foundation will place orders semi-annually; on May 1st November 1st. All orders will be held until those dates. Once ordered by Mossy Creek Foundation, bricks can take several months before they are received and installed. Thank you in advance for your order—and for helping us keep down costs as the Historic Mossy Creek District comes back to life! Initial proceeds from brick sales will be used to fund the Mossy Creek Station project. Once complete, any surplus proceeds will benefit future historic district revitalization projects.
For questions regarding our engraved brick campaign, please contact Linda Gass
When you donate to the Legacy Plaza at Mossy Creek Station commemorative brick campaign, your contribution goes towards a worthy cause and the construction of a distinct engraved brick structure. Each brick in this installation provides your community with a lasting reminder of your generosity.
Our process of laser engraving is the latest and most effective brick engraving method available today. We use it to ensure that your commemorative brick lasts a lifetime.
Each contribution made to our cause is a literal building block to our campaign success. Donate today to become a lifelong part of this worthy cause. Thank you for your patronage.
If you’re looking for an exceptional way to raise funds and show appreciation for your donors, a Fundraising Brick campaign may be the right choice for you. Click here to explore all of our options.