Dwight D Eisenhower Elementary School Legacy Fundraiser2018-01-25T08:35:30-05:00

Dwight D Eisenhower Elementary School Legacy Bricks

Hosted by Fundraising Brick

Engraved Brick Order Deadline: April 30th, 2018

 Leave your legacy in Eisenhower’s Courtyard for generations to see! Each brick can be engraved with your family name, Business name, or favorite team name! Proceeds will go towards the restoration of the Eisenhower Courtyard used by all students.


Please direct questions to Kelly Barajas Eisenhowercppto@gmail.com.

 Commemorative bricks are a wonderful opportunity to celebrate family milestones and honor or memorialize loved ones.  Recognize a special person in your life. Honor a casual effort; commemorate a special occasion-the possibilities are endless. Donate today and don’t miss out on being a part of this brick campaign.

 Please know how much your decision to support our efforts will mean to the community as a whole and that it will be greatly appreciated. We look forward to your partnership with the efforts of the Dwight D Eisenhower Elementary School in our goal with this engraved brick campaign that will be enjoyed for generations to come. The engraved brick courtyard will serve as an inspiration for all who walk through the doors of the Dwight D Eisenhower Elementary.

Each donation made to our cause is a literal building block to Dwight D Eisenhower Elementary School’s brick campaign success. Donate today to become a lifelong part of this worthy cause. Thank you in advance for your patronage.

A Fundraising Brick campaign is the perfect way to raise funds for your next big cause or commemoration. Plus it really shows your appreciation to each contributor. For more inspiration on a commemorative brick campaign of your own, click here and explore all your options.

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