American Legion Post 35 Commemorative Engraved Brick Project2018-01-24T20:40:00-05:00

American Legion Post 35 Commemorative Engraved Brick Project

Hosted by Fundraising Brick

The American Legion Post 35 vision is two-fold: (1) To create a commemorative project – one brick at a time – in the Post 35 compound.  (2) To support our building fund.  Our Post was built in 1906 and like any building over a century old, is in need of upkeep and repair.

The commemorative field, of the first hundred bricks, will be laid out in a star pattern around the American Flag pole in the front of the Post 35 compound, honoring those veterans and citizens who have or are supporting our country and the Post.

For questions regarding our engraved brick campaign, please contact George E. Olsen at

On the fence about giving a small donation to American Legion Post 35? Know that organizations such as American Legion Post 35 wouldn’t survive without the support of generous donors like you.

Yes, even small donations help. And your kindness will be immortalized in stone and become part of a commemorative star around our flagpole. This will serve as a reminder to your community that ordinary people such as yourself can accomplish extraordinary things when they come together and rally behind an important cause.

If you’d like to start a fundraising initiative of your own, we can help. We’ll get you started with personalized marketing materials and your own campaign page just like this one. Contact us.

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