Meramec Naturescape Play Area
Brick Donor Plaza Fundraiser
Hosted by Fundraising Brick
Engraved Brick Deadline: May 15, 2024
(or until the bricks allotted for the donor plaza have all been purchased – whichever comes first).
For additional information regarding our engraved brick campaign please contact
Nikki Freyman at
Building Character, Building Community, Buiding Opportunity –
Dear valued Friends, Family, and Community Neighbors:
Welcome to the Meramec Brick Fundraising Page! We are excited to raise funds to go towards the development of our naturescape area complete with trees, plants, pathways, and a play area. We are so excited for this area of well being for our students, neighbors, and extended community. We are aiming to reach our goal of $50,000! Please help us reach our goal.
We are giving those that would like, an opportunity to leave their lasting legacy for years to come and impact the lives of generations of students. We are going to have beautiful brick pavers line the naturescape area!
We are offering (3) different options to purchase brick pavers that you can customize. It truly can be a family affair, from the message you choose, to opting for a customized drawing from your children or grandchildren!
Option 1: 4×8 Text ($100.00)
Option 2: 8×8 Text ($200.00)
Option 3: 8×8 Custom Art ($300.00)
Here is your opportunity to leave your lasting legacy for years to come and impact the lives of generations of students. It truly can be a family affair, from the message you choose, to opting for a customized drawing from your children!
In the words of educator and author Peter Drucker, “The best way to predict future is to create it.”
Create a lasting image by purchasing a brick today! Leave YOUR legacy.
Thank you for your time, consideration, and generosity,
Meramec PTO