American Veterans Heritage Center Memorial Brick Campaign2019-07-24T19:21:10-05:00

American Veterans Heritage Center

Hosted by Fundraising Brick

(AVHC) Walk of Honor Memorial Brick Campaign

The American Veterans Heritage Center (AVHC) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization located on the Dayton VA Campus.

The AVHC was founded with the goal of raising public and private awareness of veteran contributions, patriotism, and the restoration of the Dayton Soldiers Home historic facilities.  AVHC is working to preserve several original buildings on the Dayton VA campus. Once known as the Soldiers Home, it was commissioned by President Lincoln in 1865. Many of the buildings date back to the  late 1800s and are part of a National Historic District. This AVHC Memorial brick campaign will help with the restoration of the original organ that remains in the 1870 Protestant Chapel and assist with other building renovations.

Take advantage of this opportunity to commemorate members of your family and others who courageously protected our country, the USA, by participating in the Defenders of Freedom Memorial Brick Campaign.

The campaign is a tribute to veterans who served in the military, and individuals who provided support services, keeping our country safe and free.

The bricks will be placed along walkways around the Garrison Flag, that is centered on the grounds of the historic Dayton VA Medical Center, one of the three original Soldiers Homes that became VA centers.  The flagpole is located near to the Dayton National Cemetery, the burial site for soldiers who gave all in the service of the country.

Contributions will give praise to those who served and fund preservation efforts on the historical campus, including the restoration of the original organ in the 1870 Protestant Chapel. Let freedom ring!

The brick campaign is presented by the nonprofit American Veterans Heritage Center (AVHC), friends of the VA’s campus. Bricks can be purchased and customized with your honoree’s name, affiliation and a military symbol.

AVHC is staffed by volunteers and receives NO Government Funding.

For questions regarding our engraved brick fundraiser, please contact Pete Williams

Don’t want to order online, click here to download and print the brick order form.
Address for mailing is on the form.

 When you donate to the American Veterans Heritage Center (AVHC) commemorative brick campaign, your contribution goes towards a worthy cause. Each brick in this installation provides your community with a lasting reminder of your generosity and donation.

Fundraising Bricks process of laser engraving is the latest and most effective brick engraving method available today. We use it to ensure that your commemorative personalized brick lasts a lifetime.

Each contribution made to our cause is a literal building block to our fundraising campaign success. Donate today to become a lifelong part of this worthy cause. Thank you for your patronage.

If you’re looking for an exceptional way to raise funds and show appreciation for your donors, a brick fundraising campaign may be the right choice for you.

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