Tustin High School Brick Fundraiser2024-01-16T15:27:57-05:00

Tustin High School Brick Fundraiser

Hosted by Fundraising Brick

Engraved Brick Order Deadline: March 1, 2024

For additional information regarding our engraved brick campaign please email catcherjec@icloud.com or call 949-922-6906.

When I set out to start my eagle project, I wanted to give back to one of the programs that most impacted my life while also honoring the core values of scouting like patriotism. Tustin Baseball was an easy choice for a program. I have played baseball since I was 4 and a half and have been involved with Tustin Highschool Baseball since I was 8. My Junior year I was put in charge of raising the American Flag on the existing lone flagpole for all home games. Only a few games into the season, the existing flagpole was obviously in disrepair. The Flag would get stuck at the top, the halyard was less than ideal, and the pole simply looked worn.

While some of those issues with the existing pole have since been fixed, it gave me the idea for this project. I plan to erect two more poles to fly our state flag and an additional school or other flag. With this project I want to instill the same pride in our country and sport that drives me, to the present and future Tustin Baseball community. The money raised by this fundraiser will be used mostly in the purchasing of the two new aluminum poles, and other related costs to installation.


To begin, complete the required fields indicated by the *, then enter your inscription and click on the next button at the bottom of the form: You will be directed to the confirmation page to confirm your inscription. After you have confirmed your inscription, click the submit form button at the bottom right of the page. Please enter the text exactly as you want it to appear on the brick.  You do not need to center the text; the laser software will automatically center the inscription. If you would like to order more than one brick you will need to fill out a new order form for each brick that you would like to order.