Sigma Nu Theta Lambda Chapter – ΣN Bricks on College Ave2023-11-20T09:15:09-05:00

ΣN Bricks on College Ave

Hosted by Fundraising Brick

Engraved Brick Order Deadline: March 15, 2024

For additional information regarding our engraved brick campaign please
contact Rob Lightbody at or call 253-223-4361.

Alumni, Parents, and Friends of Sigma Nu Theta Lambda at Eastern Washington

We’re excited to introduce the Sigma Nu Brick Fundraising Campaign! We’re reaching out to you today to offer you the once in a lifetime chance to have your name or the name of a loved one permanently attached to the ΣN house in the form of an engraved brick. The bricks will be professionally installed in the backyard of the ΣN House, to be seen be seen by all who may enter or exit our cherished residence.

Many Alumni may remember the badge wall inside the Chapter House. Every initiated member of the Chapter had their badge displayed on the wall.   The Badge Wall was a source of pride for the Actives and the Alumni. As the Chapter Alumni grew, we ran out of room for more badges.    The brick program is the ‘official’ replacement for the much-loved badge wall.

This is an excellent opportunity to support the men of the Theta Lambda Chapter in all our efforts, in a manner that will allow your contribution to be recognized by every member, friend, or associate of this fraternity. By aiding us today, you will enable us to continue changing the lives of every person to find a home in this fraternity. The monies raised will go towards establishing a Chapter Scholarship and towards updating the Chapter Home.

As our brotherhood pursues its mission to better ourselves and our community, we find ourselves engaged in several respects. Some of the most notable are leadership development, facility management, spiritual impact and mission, education, and philanthropy. All of these efforts are critical in ensuring that we truly are becoming the chapter and men that we strive to be.

In all of these efforts, we find ourselves graciously supported by our alumni and parents’ network. We would be honored if you chose to participate in this campaign, and hope that you’re able to directly see the change that your contribution will fuel in this chapter and our community. Thank you for your consideration and continual support of our chapter! It has made all the difference. Go EWU Eagles! 

To begin, complete the required fields indicated by the *, then enter your inscription and click on the next button at the bottom of the form: You will be directed to the confirmation page to confirm your inscription. After you have confirmed your inscription, click the submit form button at the bottom right of the page. Please enter the text exactly as you want it to appear on the brick.  You do not need to center the text; the laser software will automatically center the inscription. If you would like to order more than one brick you will need to fill out a new order form for each brick that you would like to order.