Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Legacy Plaza Brick Fundraiser2025-01-13T10:13:22-05:00

National Peace Corps Association
in collaboration with
Peace Corps Legacy Association
invites you to become part of the
Peace Corps Plaza

Hosted by Fundraising Brick

Engraved Brick Order Deadline: Ongoing

The Peace Corps Plaza will celebrate and honor Returned Peace Corps Volunteers.

Wherever they served, and wherever they call home, RPCVs are invited to share in the creation of the PEACE CORPS PLAZA and have their names among those honored for their commitment to national service. The Plaza is the cornerstone in a 3.5 acre National Service Park near Rochester Minnesota.

RPCV donors at prescribed levels will be recognized by a natural clay brick engraved with their name, city and state, and host country(s) with their years of service.  Additional information can be added to 8×8 bricks such as one’s PC job description, or dates of volunteer service in AmeriCore or Military if applicable. Donations to honor RPCVs may also be gifted by families, friends or organizations affiliated with Peace Corps. 

Consider ordering a full size replica of your brick for your own community; it will be mailed to you when your original brick is installed in the Peace Corps Plaza.

The goal is to advance and educate the public on the rewards of volunteerism. As a partner, the Peace Corps with other national volunteer service organizations –  such as AmeriCorps, National Guard and US Military – endeavor to see park visitors take a greater interest in the public affairs of their communities, states, the nation and the world, as well as be inspired to join the Peace Corps or other forms of national service.

Complete the form below

For additional information regarding the Park & Plaza, please visit, or email

The Peace Corps Legacy Association is 501(c)3 non-profit organization, and donations are tax deductible to the extent of the law.