The Critter Room Brick Fundraiser
Hosted by Fundraising Brick
Engraved Brick Order Deadline: October 15, 2023
For additional information regarding our engraved brick campaign please contact
John and Jessica Bartlett at
The funds raised from the bricks will go to rebuilding and reopening The Critter Room. One goal is to provide kittens and cats with a safe, warm, secure, and clean environment. The best way for us to do that is to build a tiny home in the backyard from the ground up. Our other goal is to reconnect with The Critter Room community. It’s been a long five years; you have been greatly missed. The Critter Room is a community with a shared love of cats. We want to honor that love and community by physically having everyone’s hands and pawprints in the project. It would be our honor to walk out daily and see and feel the significant impact of you and your cat’s love.
To begin, complete the required fields indicated by the *, then enter your inscription and click on the submit button at the bottom of the form: Please enter the text exactly as you want it to appear on the brick. You do not need to center the text; the laser software will automatically center the inscription. If you would like to order more than one brick you will need to fill out a new order form for each brick that you would like to order.