Celina’s Donaldson Park Restoration Project
Hosted by Fundraising Brick
Engraved Brick Order Deadline: Ongoing
For questions, please contact Carol Abney at Carol@Abney.cpa or call 931-267-6238.
The City of Celina’s Donaldson Park, located in beautiful Celina, Tennessee, has been a community gathering place for locals since around 1975 up until the last few years, upon which the park suffered federal budget cuts and fell into disarray. The population in Clay County has also declined every year for the last 10 years, and Clay County’s hospital recently closed while childhood obesity rates are a whopping 48%. Some misinformed people might think that we do not care enough about our community to strive for better, but we are determined to prove those people wrong.
The Celina Park Foundation is a 501(c)3 created to work in partnership with the City of Celina to restore and improve Donaldson Park, a 90-acre area located in the Celina city limits. We are working on plans for a splash pad, a riverfront trail, camping spots and restoration of the playground, tennis/ basketball courts and shelters. The Celina Park Foundation’s only goal is to restore and improve this park so people here know how much we care about them, and so that visitors can see how much pride we take in our community park, so every dollar we raise will be used for this park project. This is a big undertaking, but we are up for the challenge. Improving this park will help improve the economy by creating community attachment for young people so they want Celina to be their permanent home, and by attracting new residents and businesses to our community.
Please help us make this project a reality, because we sure could use a little extra attention in Celina, Tennessee right now, and we deserve something nice for our residents. It’s been a hard few years. Our first fundraising goal is $165,000 by February 2022. We need to sell 1,650 single bricks to reach our first goal. Help us show everyone here that we all care about people by putting your name on a brick and supporting our park restoration project. If anyone wants to donate more, we will have donation tiles on a decorative wall beside the playground. Contact the Celina Park Foundation for more details.