Omenala Griot Afrocentric Museum Buy A Brick Campaign2018-03-26T18:53:04-05:00

The B.O.M.B (Building Omenala Museum Back) Spring Brick Fundraiser
Omenala Griot Afrocentric Museum

Hosted by Fundraising Brick

Engraved Brick Order Deadline: July 23, 2016

The Omenela Griot Afrocentric Teaching Museum is in the beginning stages of its rightful place as a museum and teaching institution. It is the vision of the Board of Directors to make the Museum a leading destination for, Educational Outreach, Community Development and a resource hub as it relates to the teaching of African and African American Diasporic History. We envision year-round field trips, daily docent lead tours, weekly educational programs and events, rotating & permanent exhibitions and much, much more.

Your tax-deductible contribution will help us gain steps and leaps towards our goal. The first of which is to restore the facility to a safely operating space so that visitors are in a comfortable fully functioning environment. We have already conducted several Omenela Restoration parties & fundraiser where we have successfully been able to clean and dust all museum artifacts, repaint the walls of the museum, buff the floors, repair and restore the bathrooms, create a sitting nook for the resource library, repaint outside walls, install exit signs to code and more. We need your help to reach our grand goal of repairing the roof of the museum. If you believe in what we are doing for our community, please consider giving whatever you can because every dime counts.

For questions regarding our brick fundraiser, please contact Nairobi Guillory at

Engraved commemorative bricks are a wonderful opportunity to celebrate family milestones and honor or memorialize loved ones.  Recognize a special person in your life. Honor a casual effort; commemorate a special occasion-the possibilities are endless. Donate today and don’t miss out on being a part of the B.O.M.B (Building Omenala Museum Back) brick fundraiser.

Please know how much your decision to support our efforts will mean to the community as a whole and that it will be greatly appreciated by Omenala Griot Museum. We look forward to your partnership with the efforts of the Omenala Griot Museum in our goal with this engraved brick campaign that will be enjoyed for generations to come. The engraved bricks will serve as an inspiration for all who walk through the doors of Omenala Griot Museum.

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